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Prayer: God of compassion
Prayer: God of compassion
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of compassion Third Sunday of Easter Psalm 116: 1- 4; 12 – 19. God of compassion, we thank you that even in the most difficult times of our lives, you hear us as we cry out to you. When life is dark and there seems to be no hope of light, you hold us in your compassio
Prayer: Psalm 31 – A responsive prayer
Prayer: Psalm 31 – A responsive prayer
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Psalm 31 – a responsive prayer Where there is distress and tears are the deepest expression of sorrow – God, bring your comforting presence. Where there is pain and anguish that cries out for healing – God, bring your comforting presence. Where weakness and infirmity drai
Poem: Saintliness
Poem: Saintliness
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Saintliness The loss will hurt, but memories linger on and when the pain begins to ease and tears are drying – even if only for a time – the legacy that love has left begins to demonstrate its value, as words and looks and shared experiences drift through the troubled mind
:It had been a strange journey
:It had been a strange journey
by Marjorie Dobson
Meditation, drama, monologue :It had been a strange journey Third Sunday of Easter Luke 24. 13-35 It had been a strange journey. Talking, talking, talking all the way. First about the sickening events of that mock trial and the totally unjustifiable execution. Then about the conf
On Easter Eve